Video Interviews

SYNNEX’s Sandi Stambaugh Briefs Sound & Communications On COVID-19-Related Evolutions


Dan Ferrisi, Editor of Sound & Communications, catches up with Sandi Stambaugh, VP, Product Management at SYNNEX Corp., for a wide-ranging follow-up conversation at a time of transition for the commercial AV industry. When Dan and Sandi last spoke, the United States was firmly in lockdown as a result of COVID-19. Now, as the country begins to reopen, Stambaugh delivers an update on new offerings SYNNEX is making available to its partners and customers. Those include not only new distributed lines and product categories, but also financing options. Stambaugh opines about how COVID-19 is amplifying or reversing existing trends in the commercial AV market, while also offering thoughts on when we might all be able to gather in person once again. It’s a can’t-miss conversation!

To see more video interviews from Sound & Communications, click here.

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